I am a Senior Lecturer in Learning and Teaching, Social Work and Social Pedagogy and a Postgraduate Researcher exploring lived experiences of compassion fatigue among early-career social workers. I am passionate about creativity and relational approaches in practice, much inspired by years of mental health social work and teaching. I advocate for equity and neuro-inclusion, often questioning uniformity in my personal life, social work, and education.
I qualified as a social worker in 1999 with a Diploma in Social Work and a degree in Social Pedagogy; Iater specialised in mental health with a Master's in Advanced Mental Health Practice. I worked as an Approved Mental Health Professional and Best Interests Assessor, Practice Lead and Principal Social Worker in local authorities and NHS before joining Kingston University's Department of Social Work and Social Care.
I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and a lifelong learner. My interest in novel ways students and staff learn from each other led to my secondment with Academic Staff Development in Education Directorate, where I deliver and assess programmes accredited by AdvanceHE, supporting colleagues to gain recognition under Professional Standards Framework (PSF) for teaching and learning in Higher Education. In my faculty academic role, I teach social work theory, law applied social work practice and social pedagogy; upon returning from the secondment, I will take on the Masters of Social Work Programme Lead role. I am also an External Examiner with the University of Manchester for their Post Qualifying courses.
I am active in the British Association of Social Workers: Neurodivergent Social Workers Special Interest Group and Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Group. I support the Network of Equality Champions, the EDI Action Group and the Social Justice and Inclusion Special Interests Group, among other projects within and outside the university.
Senior Lecturer in Learning and Teaching, Social Work & Social Pedagogy
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