Become a mentor

Volunteer to mentor on our six-month Beyond Barriers scheme

Beyond Barriers Mentoring Scheme

Share your knowledge and experience

Encourage a young person to achieve their potential

Broaden your own skills and judgement

Meet other professionals


You are invited to take part in Kingston University's Beyond Barriers Mentoring Scheme as a mentor. The scheme helps second year, third year and postgraduate students, from traditionally under-represented groups, achieve their full potential through a tailored one-to-one relationship. You can support the students by offering impartial guidance, encouraging new experiences and positive choices, and helping to inspire self-confidence.

The scheme runs from November to May and only requires a commitment of two hours per month. You should have more than three years of professional experience. Full online training is provided. 

What our mentors say

I knew I would have an enriching experience mentoring a student with Beyond Barriers, passing on the knowledge I knew I wanted as a student, but I was completely blown away and inspired by the special experience of meeting good friends and mature students, Carol and Hilary, who both graduated with a masters in Creative Writing. Carol and Hilary are special, not only because they are passionate, hard working and absolutely determined to get published – they have written ten novels between them – but because they prove it really never is too late to write and be published. (Carol graduated at the age of 69, and Hilary at the age of 83!).

We had such interesting dialogues on writing and creativity that we couldn't just end the experience after six months. I now consider Hilary and Carol my friends. We have kept in touch long after the mentorship, and meet up regularly to catch up on our writing.

I would encourage Kingston University alumni to get involved with Beyond Barriers. You never know what interesting and dynamic experiences are in store!

Farah Halime Hope, MA Journalism, Kingston University

Farah Halime Hope talking with students Carol and Hilary

Joining Beyond Barriers was the best decision I made! Thanks to the scheme I was given the opportunity to work with my mentor to achieve my goals and discover what is out there for me once I graduate. This journey and experience have been remarkable. He helped me see my true potential and I am truly honoured to have worked with such a great person. 

Anell Enning, International Relations with Television Broadcasting Media student

Mentoring has been a richly rewarding experience. It was a great opportunity to help my mentee along her career path a little and was satisfying to guide her towards the future she is aiming at. It has been great to use my skills and experience in a slightly different way, to watch someone progress and grow, and help the next generation of graduates.

Sally Findlay, Managing Director, Recognition Express Mid Surrey

Become a mentor with the Beyond Barriers Student Mentoring Scheme – give something back

Could you or someone in your organisation be a mentor to one of our students?

We are actively seeking professionals from all industries to act as mentors to some of our students under our Beyond Barriers Student Mentoring Scheme.

The scheme is a six-month programme designed to help students from traditionally under-represented groups achieve their full potential. As a mentor you can support the students by offering impartial guidance, encouraging new experiences, positive choices and helping to inspire self-confidence.

Beyond Barriers is primarily an online mentoring scheme with mentoring sessions taking place via the internet or by phone. However, there may also be opportunities to meet face to face, dependent on mentee preferences.


Who can become a mentor?

We would like to hear from anyone with three years professional experience, from engineers, health and social care professionals and IT consultants, to managers, software developers, creative arts professionals and teachers.

Corporate social responsibility

Some companies provide mentors as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes. It's a way of giving back to society while boosting your organisation and your brand.

Benefits for mentors

Mentoring can be a hugely rewarding experience. By encouraging a student to develop skills, direction and confidence you have the satisfaction of knowing you helped to change someone's life. You may even find it changes you - mentors often say they learned a lot from their mentee.

  • Share your knowledge and experience
  • Encourage someone to achieve their potential
  • Broaden your own skills and judgement
  • Meet other professionals

 The programme supports around 250 students annually who fit one or more of the following criteria:

  • Black and ethnic minority students
  • Commuter students
  • Female students in science, engineering, maths and built environment
  • KU Cares students
  • LGBT+ students
  • Mature students
  • Student parents
  • Students with a learning difference or disability
  • Students who are the first in their family to attend higher education

How it works

The scheme runs from November to May and requires a commitment of two hours per month. Full training is given and you will be carefully matched with your student mentee.

During the sessions, you and your mentee will discuss the skills and knowledge they hope to gain through the programme, and help them create a development plan including activities, goals and timelines.

At the end of the programme you will be invited to a special celebration event and presented with an award certificate in recognition of your contribution


Interested in becoming a mentor?

To find out more please contact us:


Apply now to become a mentor

Applications for Beyond Barriers 2023/24 are now open.