The Brains Lab logo

The ‘Behavioural Research Analytics In Neurotechnological Systems' (BRAINS) Lab, is a nationally leading research and innovation facility that pioneers the convergence of behavioural sciences, user experience research and next-generation technologies.

Through cutting-edge research and partnerships, The BRAINS Lab aims to define an ethical, inclusive and sustainable digital future and enhance our collective capacity and capability to mitigate harms and tackle major societal challenges.

Please note: The BRAINS Lab was previously named The Behavioural Science and Creative Insights Lab.

Our members

Members of the Brains Lab at an event.


Deputy director

Lab Manager

Core members

External associates

  • Visiting Professor Jag Dhanda in XR in Medicine & Surgery
  • Visiting Professor Maziar Nekovee in Future Technologies
  • Visiting Fellow Carl Yates in Digital Phenotyping

Research students and associates

Current collaborators

Research activities

BRiVaRE (Behavioural Research in Virtual & Augmented Reality Environments)

The preliminary BRAINS lab project supports the activities of a wider Collaboratory of researchers and practitioners from multidisciplinary areas interested in questioning critically and creatively the consequences of VR, AR, MR on people, society, and businesses. This interdisciplinary infrastructural programme seeks to explore the potentials, opportunities, pitfalls, and ethical consequences of these new technologies in human life.