Business Modelling and Analysis Group

Research within the Business Modelling and Analysis Group develops analytical and computer-based models to solve a range of complex industrial, financial, and business management problems.

For this purpose, improved management science methods (such as modelling, optimisation, forecasting techniques, multi-criteria analysis, and problem-structuring methods) are combined with theoretical advances in well-established subject areas such as economics and operational research and the resulting models are implemented using advanced information technologies (such as simulation and artificial intelligence both as stand-alone techniques and in hybrid combinations).

The key objective of this work is to support strategic and tactical decision-making in organisations through the development of modelling and simulation tools for in-depth business analysis and process optimisation.

Current projects

  • Development of hybrid decision support systems
  • Interactive use of simulation and AI techniques
  • Using multi-criteria decision analysis for optimal dynamic price derivation
  • Computational models for modelling reinforcement learning and habit formation