Dr Juan Lee Soon


I started my academic role at Kingston University in 2021. Since then, I have been involved in various domains, including teaching, research, and business knowledge transfer.

I have delivered teaching to undergraduate, postgraduate students, intrapreneurs, and entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. In my teaching, I draw on knowledge and concepts from multiple disciplines, such as strategic management, marketing, finance, innovation, technology, and sociology.

I hold a BSc in Accounting for Management and an MSc in Accounting and Finance from Aston University. Following this, I completed an MRes in Business and Management, and later earned a PhD in Business and Management from Kingston University.

My research and teaching interests encompass CSR, Innovation, Small Business Management, and academic theory development.

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Entrepreneurship


  • BSc Accounting for Management
  • MSc Accounting and Finance
  • MRes Business and Management
  • PhD Business and Management

Teaching and learning

  • Entrepreneurship and Strategic Growth module
  • Innovation Management module
  • Market Research and Data Analysis module
  • Research Proposal and Dissertation module


My Research interests:

  • Entrepreneurship 
  • CSR and Sustainability
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Institutional logics