Lisa is module leader for Equity and Trusts Law (core module, level 6), tort law (core module, level 4) and Professional Readiness (level 5). She also teaches on a range of other modules, including Law of Technology and Innovation. Lisa joined the Department of Law as a lecturer in January 2014.
Lisa's research interests include technology and privacy law. She has a number of published works in these areas and has given conference papers at both national and international events, including the annual SLSA, BILETA, Winchester and IAITL conferences.
Lisa is co-editor of the special post-SLSA issue of the leading technology law journal, Information and Communications Technology Law.
She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a member of several professional bodies and learned societies and has been awarded a Learning and Teaching prize for use of technology.
Lisa is Level 6 Year tutor, Personal tutor and Admissions tutor for the Law Department, interim Erasmus/ Study abroad co-ordinator for the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences and Law Department Co-ordinator and Panel Member, Self-assessment team, Athena Swan gender equality application (Bronze Award, received 2021).
Lisa also has two External Examining roles and, since 2018, has been joint editor of the special post-SLSA Conference edition of Information and Communications Technology Law, a peer-reviewed, leading, global, technology law journal.
Senior Lecturer, Level 6 Year tutor, Personal tutor and Admissions tutor for the Law Department, interim Erasmus/ Study abroad co-ordinator for the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences and Law Department Co-ordinator and Panel Member, Self-assessment team, Athena Swan gender equality application (Bronze Award, received 2021).