Professor Homagni Choudhury


I have an honorary affiliation with the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (FBSS) since 1st October 2021. Prior to this, I was an Associate Professor in Economics and Head of the Department of Economics at FBSS from 1st Sep 2017 until 30th Sep 2021. At Kingston, I have been the co-lead of the Applied Economics Research Group (AERG).

I hold a PhD from the University of Dundee. Prior to joining Kingston University in Sep 2017, I was the Director of Research for Accounting, Finance and Economics at the Aberystwyth Business School, Aberystwyth University.

I have a strong background in academia with professional research and teaching experience in a wide range of topics in economics and allied areas. My broad research interests lie in the areas of Development Economics and Applied Economics with particular interests on aspects of International Trade, Labour, Productivity, Industrial and Regional Economics and the Economics of SME. I led two GCRF funded multi-disciplinary projects at Kingston University as PI for knowledge-exchange and impact-generation activities in ODA-DAC countries of focus. The first project was in partnership with REVA University, Bangalore, India (Co-Is: Professor S K Prasad and Professor Mathew Manimala) on "Indian MSMEs' responses to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis" from Jan 2020 until Jul 2021. The second project was in partnership with the Central Bank of Somalia, Mogadishu, Somalia (Co-I: Dr Abdi Ali) on "Somali business responses to a downturn in market conditions" from Dec 2020 until Jul 2021. 

I have published widely in the form of peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, book, discussion papers, working papers, and conference papers and proceedings. I was associated with the World Bank's 'Jobs and Development' initiative at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi, from 2014-2016.

Academic responsibilities

Honorary Affiliate (Faculty of Business and Social Sciences) - Visiting Academic


  • PhD (Dundee University)
  • MSc (Lancaster University)
  • BA(Honours) Economics (Delhi University)
  • PGCTHE (Aberystwyth University)

Teaching and learning

I taught at both UG and PGT courses in Kingston between Sep 2017 and Sep 2021. As an honorary affiliate, I no longer teach in taught programs at Kingston.

I was also the KCEP lead from 2018 until 2020 and KCEP+ lead in 2021 for the Department of Economics and worked closely with the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre, Department of Enterprise Education, Careers and Employability Service, and the Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement team at Kingston to enhance the course provisions and student experience at the department of economics until Sep 2021. 

I have acted as External Examiner to the UG Economics programs at several UK universities - Manchester Metropolitan University (2014-2018), University of Brighton (2017-2021), University of West of England (2015-present).

I have also served as a panel member at several Internal Subject Review and Course Validation Panels for both existing and new courses, both within and outside the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at Kingston University.

Qualifications and expertise

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (PGCTHE)


I have successfully supervised several PGR (PhD, MPhil and Master's by Research) students at Kingston University (5) and, prior to Kingston, at Aberystwyth University (2) on a range of applied economics and business topics. I have also acted as an external examiner for a number of PhDs in UK universities and abroad, including the University of Aberdeen, University of Hull, University of Salford, amongst others.

Awards, Grants and Funding

  • Global Challenges Research Fund (£14,300), PI (2020-21): Somali business responses to a downturn in market conditions
  • CResCID Research Grant (£2,800), Co-I (2020-21): UK SME's response to a downturn in market conditions
  • Global Challenges Research Fund, PI (£27,670) (2019-21): Indian MSMEs' responses to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis
  • Global Challenges Research Fund (£9,375), PI (2019-20): The impact of trade reforms on labour market outcomes: A study of India's formal manufacturing
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (£65,000), PI (2014): Value for Money - Assessing the Economic Impact of BBSRC investments between April 2008 and March 2013
  • British Academy (£29,550), Researcher (2013-16): A cross-country examination of supply chain barriers on market access for small and medium firms in India and the UK   
  •  Aberystwyth University Research Fund (£4,394), PI (2014-15): De Jure versus de facto labour reforms in India: Assessing the need for and the way ahead with de jure reforms to improve labour market outcomes in India: 
  •  Young Scholar Grant (£4,790), PI (2014): Networking and mobility grant instituted by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and housed at ICRIER (New Delhi)

Areas of specialism

  • Development Economics
  • Applied Economics

Scholarly affiliations

  • The Indian Econometric Society (Life-Member)


Number of items: 9.


Choudhury, Homagni, Kopacsi, Zoltan Laszlo, Saxena, Gunjan and Mishra, Nishikant (2021) The ethical dimension in political market orientation : a framework for evaluating the impact of India’s Look East Policy on regional income convergence. Journal of Business Ethics, 168, pp. 353-372. ISSN (print) 0167-4544

Choudhary, Sonal, Nayak, Rakesh, Kumari, Sushma and Choudhury, Homagni (2019) Analysing acculturation to sustainable food consumption behaviour in the social media through the lens of information diffusion. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, pp. 481-492. ISSN (print) 0040-1625

Darjezi, Javad Izadi Zadeh, Choudhury, Homagni and Nazarian, Alireza (2017) Simulation evidence on the properties of alternative measures of working capital accruals : new evidence from the UK. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 25(4), pp. 378-394. ISSN (print) 1834-7649

Khorana, Sangeeta, Kerr, William A. and Choudhury, Homagni (2014) Role model or institutional spoiler? India's schizophrenic relationship with the WTO. Current Politics and Economics of South, Southeastern, and Central Asia, 23(3-4), pp. 247-268. ISSN (print) 2157-6270

Chatterji, Monojit and Choudhury, Homagni (2013) Liberalisation and the changing inter-industry wage structure of the organised manufacturing sector in India, 1973/74-2003/04. Review Of Development Economics, 17(2), pp. 365-378. ISSN (print) 1363-6669

Mohan, Sushil, Khorana, Sangeeta and Choudhury, Homagni (2013) Why developing countries have failed to increase their exports of agricultural processed products. Economic Affairs, 33(1), pp. 48-64. ISSN (print) 0265-0665


Choudhury, Homagni (2010) Trade reforms and performance in Indian manufacturing. Lambert Academic Publishing. 116p. ISBN 9783843354547

Book Section

Das, Deb Kusum, Singh, Jaivir and Choudhury, Homagni (2018) Judicial production of labour market flexibility: contract labour employment in Indian organised manufacturing. In: Hill, Elizabeth and Palit, Amitendu, (eds.) Employment policy in emerging economies: the Indian case. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 42-63. (Routledge studies in development economics, (135)) ISBN 9781138918702

Choudhury, Homagni and Das, Deb Kusum (2018) What do we know about productivity in Arab economies: the challenges of generating multifactor productivity (MFP) estimates at industry level. In: Das, Deb Kusum, (ed.) Productivity dynamics in emerging and industrialized countries. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 487-532. ISBN 9781138745506

This list was generated on Wed Sep 13 07:11:45 2023 BST.

Leadership and management

  • Head of the Department of Economics, Sep 2017 - Sep 2021
  • Co-Lead, Applied Economics Research Group, FBSS
  • Course Director - UG Economics courses, Sep 2017 - Aug 2020
  • Acting PGR Coordinator, Sep - Dec 2018
  • PGR Coordinator, Jan 2020 - Sep 2021
  • Member of the Faculty Realignment Group for the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Apr -Aug 2018
  • Member of the Covid-19 University Campus Re-enablement Group (International), Jul – Oct 2020
  • Interview Panel Member (Several Academic Staff Recruitment Rounds) - Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing and Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
  • Member of the Faculty Recruitment Committee, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Sep 2018 - Sep 2021
  • Member of the Faculty Education Committee, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Sep 2018 - Sep 2021
  • Member of the Faculty Research Degrees Committee, Jan 2020 - Sep 2021