I have a degree in mathematics from Athens University and a degree in accounting and finance from the Athens University Economics and Business. My doctorate studies at Cass Business School were sponsored by a scholarship from the National Greek State Scholarship Foundations. My PhD research was in the area of mergers, acquisitions and divestments and corporate restructuring. Prior to joining Kingston Business School I had academic positions at the University of Bristol and the Essex Business School.
I am currently co-Chair of the BAFA-SEAG (British Accounting and Finance Association - South East Area Group) and member of the BAFA executive committee.
I have reviewed papers for a number of international academic journals, including The British Accounting Review; The European Journal of Finance; The European Financial Management and others. I have also been member of organizing committees of international academic conferences and I have chaired sessions and discussed.
My research is in the main areas of corporate finance, like mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, share repurchases and new issues. I also have research papers in corporate divestments, shipping industry, banking and international management.
Associate Professor