Dr Steven Sparling


I am Head of Department for Creative and Cultural Industries in the School of Creative Industries & Critical Studies at Kingston School of Art.

I have a PhD in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (Goldsmiths, University of London), an MA in Creative Entrepreneurship (University of East Anglia), and a BFA in Interdisciplinary Studies (Concordia University). 

My research focuses on issues of creative labour and creative entrepreneurship.

I have worked in the creative and cultural industries in Canada and the UK for over 30 years as an actor, educator, researcher, union leader and journalist. 

I have been on faculty at the London College of Music, University of West London; Sheridan College (Canada) and Ryerson University (Canada) and have delivered guest lectures and workshops at institutions in Holland, Lithuania and South Africa. 

Academic responsibilities

School Head of Department


  • PhD Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths, University of West London 2021
  • MA Creative Entrepreneurship, University of East Anglia, 2012
  • BFA Interdisciplinary Studies, Concordia University, 1997
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Academic Practice, University of West London, 2016
  • Diploma Theatre Arts, Grant MacEwan University, 1991


My research focuses on creative labour and creative entrepreneurship. 

Qualifications and expertise

  • PhD Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths University of London

Areas of specialism

  • Arts entrepreneurship
  • Creative entrepreneurship
  • Cultural entrepreneurship
  • Cultural labour