Mr Bruno Silvestre


I studied Architecture at the University of Coimbra, Portugal and worked in Lisbon before joining Henley Hale-Brown in London in 2003.

In 2010, I founded brunosilvestreARCHITECTURE, developing projects in the UK and Portugal. In 2013, the practice was commended on several occasions - a house in Portugal was shortlisted for the RIBA EU Awards and was also selected for the Lisbon Architecture Trienalle; then in July the practice won an international architectural competition. 

I have taught since 2007 and have been a guest critic at various schools of architecture in the UK and Portugal.

My interests revolve around the potential for architecture to bear poetic qualities and its role as a form of cultural expression. I have also developed research in architectural education and design studio teaching, have written several papers and presented the work of my design studios in international conferences in the UK, Spain and Portugal.    

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer


  • 1992-1999 MArch in Architecture from the Department of Architecture of Faculty of Sciences & Technology, Coimbra University, Portugal
  • 2021 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • 2022-... PhD Candidate at University College Dublin

Teaching and learning

Undergraduate courses taught

Postgraduate courses taught


I am interested in the roles of Typology and Topography in Architectural education and Methodologies of design Studio teaching & learning.

November 2016, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla, Kingston University London, BArch Studio 3.3 Exhibition and talk titled "Peripheral Topographies and Typologies.

Mar 2013, "The Currency of what remains unchanged", AAE Conference 2013 (Un)Common Currency, Nottingham Trent University, with Noel Cash

Sep 2012, "Towards a Broader Horizon", International Colloquium Teaching Through Design 2012, Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of University of Coimbra, Portugal, with the collaboration of Professor David Leatherbarrow, University of Pennsylvania

I am interested in the potential of architectural form and its matter to found their poetic qualities in the relationship with its own surrounding topographies.


Jump to: Design
Number of items: 2.


Silvestre, Bruno [Architect] (2017) Padre Cruz social housing, Lisbon, Portugal. Building.

Silvestre, Bruno [Architect] (2013) Zona de Alvenarias. Housing.

This list was generated on Wed Sep 13 06:35:21 2023 BST.

Social media

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