I am Senior Lecturer in Critical and Historical Studies at Kingston School of Art. My praxis spans the registers of art, curating, teaching and writing, with a disciplinary interest in art and spatial politics. Recent projects have centred on spatial contestation in the West London suburbs, particularly Heathrow, its neighbourhoods and airspace. In 2019-20 I curated the ACE funded exhibition and public programme 'Air Matters. Learning from Heathrow', Watermans Arts, a set of events that sought to intervene in debates around Heathrow expansion. Continuing with this geographical focus, I am currently developing a project on the study of coexistence - human, natural and technological. I am a regular contributor to the Art and Mobilities Research Network and my practice has contributed innovative methodologies in teaching, most recently for the programme, MA in Museum & Galleries Studies.
Subject interests:
Applications for postgraduate study are welcome.
Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Art, Critical and Historical Studies